There are two types of Payments you will make to your lawyer.
A Retainer is the money you put down for future costs, attorney fees, and expenses. A retainer goes into our trust account and we bill against it. Every month you will get an invoice showing that month’s charges, how much of your retained was applied to the invoice, and that balance of your retained. In some cases, you may be asked to deposit an additional retainer.
This is the monthly statement you receive from our office, or a consultation fee for a phone consultation. It’s a payment for services rendered and costs incurred.
We accept cash and checks, as well as the following credit cards: VISA, Discover and Master Card. We can accept credit card payment in person, by phone if you call during normal business hours.
We no longer accept online credit card payments as Google Wallet has discontinued that service.
Mail In Your Payment
Payment by check or money order can be submitted by mail or in person. To remit payment by mail, please send your payment to Harris Velázquez Gibbens care of the following address:
Harris Velázquez Gibbens, P.C.
165 S.E. 26th Avenue
Hillsboro, Oregon 97123